Which chapter of life are you in right now?

And, more importantly, what difference does it make as you follow Jesus? You might be in young adulthood (20s - 30s) and trying to navigate big decisions around faith, love, and work. Or, maybe, you're in the long years of mid-life (40s - 50s) and wondering if you're really spending your time, energy, and resources where you can make the greatest impact. And, some of you are in late adulthood (60s+) and uncertain about how to make the most of it without many older mentors to give you advice. No matter what chapter you're in, join us for a three-week series as we discover what it looks like to follow Jesus well through each chapter of our lives.

This three-week series starts Sunday, August 20, in person or online at 10:00 AM.

August 20th: Young Adulthood
August 27th: Middle Adulthood
September 3rd: Late Adulthood