Bellevue Christian Church is led by a Leadership Council that fulfills both the biblical role of “overseers” as described in the New Testament model of church governance and the legal non-profit role of “Board of Directors”. In short, the Leadership Council exists to collectively oversee the long-term flourishing (spiritual, financial, and otherwise) of our Church by discerning God’s will for our Church.


  • Austin Gohn (Lead Pastor)

  • Ed Hain (Council Chairperson)

  • Joshua Hoey

  • Graham Johnstone

  • Dave Nusser

  • Matthew Kline

  • In order to fulfill the purpose stated above, the Leadership Council is responsible for the following:

    This includes discerning and protecting the long-term mission and vision of the Church and setting any necessary boundaries for fulfilling that mission and vision—including, without limitation, presentation of the annual budget to the Membership and proposal of changes to the bylaws that serve the mission and vision of the Church.

    With the Bible as our authority (see 2 Timothy 3:16-17), this includes developing, amending, and interpreting the “Statement of Beliefs” that will guide what is taught in all areas of our Church—from the pulpit to the children’s ministry. It will require articulating our stance on new issues as they arise as well as shaping our response to major cultural events, when absolutely necessary, in light of what we believe.

    This includes leading the process of selecting (and, if necessary, terminating) the Lead Pastor and guiding the Church through any pastoral transitions. It also requires defining the general responsibilities of the Lead Pastor, conducting a regular review process, and ensuring that the Lead Pastor (and family) has the encouragement and support necessary to thrive. Additionally, it requires working with the Lead Pastor to delegate authority to staff and volunteer leaders to fulfill the mission and vision of the Church (see Ephesians 4:11-13).

    As “examples to the flock” (see 1 Peter 5:3), this includes demonstrating the kind of life we want to see lived out in our congregation—both in our individual lives and our relationships with one another.

    When necessary, this includes overseeing the disciplinary process for Members of the Church who blatantly demonstrate activities in opposition to the doctrine articulated in our “Statement of Beliefs” (see Galatians 6:1).

    This includes a commitment to the habit of praying for the Church individually and together (see Acts 6:4).

  • Individuals must demonstrate the following minimum qualifications in order to be considered for the Leadership Council and to remain on the Leadership Council once selected:

    A CONSISTENT PATTERN of demonstrating the Christ-like character qualifications and leadership competencies as listed in biblical passages like 1 Timothy 3:1-7, Titus 1:5-9, and 1 Peter 5:1-4.

    A COMMITMENT to our Church that has been demonstrated through attendance, serving, and giving—as well as active membership in our Church for, at least, one (1) year. The Lead Pastor is exempt from the requirement of active membership for at least one (1) year prior to serving on the Leadership Council.

    A sense of CALLING to the role (see 1 Peter 5:2).

    Shared doctrinal CONVICTIONS in accordance with our “Statement of Beliefs.”

    No actual or perceived CONFLICT OF INTEREST—including, but not limited to, the spouse or an immediate family member of the Lead Pastor.

    A demonstration of COMPETENCIES in different areas of expertise and gifts that will enable the Leadership Council to make wiser decisions.

    CHEMISTRY with the existing members of the Leadership Council so they can be united in vision, values, and methods of ministry in an atmosphere of friendship.

  • Candidates will be added to the Leadership Council after careful review of their qualifications as noted above by the existing Leadership Council, recommendation of candidate(s) to the congregation by the existing Leadership Council, and a congregational vote to affirm the candidate(s) at the Annual Meeting. Members of the congregation may recommend an individual for consideration.

    Once affirmed, members of the Leadership Council will serve three-year terms. There is no limit on how many terms may be served, but, following the biblical pattern of rest, it is required that a one (1) year sabbatical is taken after two consecutive three (3) year terms.

  • For a biblical basis, please see the following the passages:

    1 Timothy 3:1-7

    Titus 1:5-9

    Acts 20:28-32

    1 Peter 5:1-4

    For more on the biblical basis, check out our sermon series: Who Leads the Church?

  • For more on our governance, you can view our bylaws here.

  • Members have an opportunity to vote to affirm the following items before or after our service on Sunday, January 12, 2025 with a back-up opportunity on Sunday, January 19, 2025—if you aren’t able to make it. Then, we’ll share the results of the vote, our 2024 Annual Report, and vision for the coming year as part of Vision Sunday on Sunday, January 26 at our 9:00 AM + 11:00 AM services.