Nehemiah is more than an ancient story about rebuilding walls.
It's a story about the Holy Spirit's work in us even now. Although we've come home to the kingdom of God, many of us are still sitting in the ruins of our broken pasts. Just as God sent Nehemiah to rebuild Jerusalem, He has sent the Holy Spirit rebuild us and lead us Out of the Ruins.
Week #1 | Chuck Gohn | 9.10.17
Week #2 | Austin Gohn | 9.17.17
Week #3 | Chuck Gohn | 9.24.17
Week #4 | Chuck Gohn | 10.01.17
Week #5 | Chuck Gohn | 10.08.17
Week #6 | Chuck Gohn | 10.15.17
Week #7 | Chuck Gohn | 10.22.17
Week #8 | Austin Gohn | 10.29.17
Week #9 |Chuck Gohn | 11.5.17
Week #10| Austin Gohn | 11.12.17
Week #11| Chuck Gohn | 11.19.17
Week #12| Chuck Gohn | 11.26.17
Week #13| Austin Gohn | 12.3.17
Week #14| Chuck Gohn | 12.10.17